If we want to teach our kids that even the smallest voice or action can make a difference, we have to start with ourselves.
As a small business without any physical inventory (and thus limited waste), Patronus.dk’s CO2 footprint is largely rooted in digital data consumption and streaming. But I can still make conscious decisions and find creative ways to apply my professional and personal abilities and help leave our planet a little healthier for our kids.
Inspired by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, and our local Go Green business network, I continue to learn more about how I can contribute to – and with – local sustainability initiatives.
Tackling all 17 SDGs at once can seem a little daunting, but here’s how I incorporate some of them into my daily work.
Have ideas you’d like to share? Let me know.

Maintaining my mental and physical health are at the bottom of my pyramid of needs. The same goes for the people I work with and those who read our final product. I am so lucky to have found clients and professional partners who share my approach to a healthy work-life balance – we work within standard business hours with sustainable deadlines. Together, we produce content that makes people laugh, think, relax, reflect, and discover their creative powers.

Promoting gender equality helps us bring out and benefit from talents and ideas from so many quirky, creative minds – for the benefit of everyone. With my clients and partners, I get to produce content that allows all genders, ages, cultures, and neurotypes to find representation, recognition and worth.

I work with My Best Book, an FCS certified, CO2 Neutral publisher, and the bulk of my freelance work is with a large toy company that invests billions of dollars in sustainability and circular economy. In my daily office work from home, my main (although rare) goods consumption consists of electronics and software. I buy repurposed and second-hand appliances, I fix them when they break (read: a fabulous tech wizard company helps me), and I limit my prints and paper consumption to recycled paper.

As avid sailors, our family has witnessed first-hand how our local and global underwater ecosystems have struggled increasingly over the past decades. We belong to the Danish Havmiljøvogter community, a non-profit organization that helps protect our oceans, beaches and waterfronts.

Every year, I set aside a Patronus.dk donation to UNICEF, based on my earnings from My Best Book and freelance projects. I have previously worked on campaigns that had UNICEF as a partner, and I find them to be a strong, reliable, and powerful organization that makes a huge difference for those who are most threatened by conflicts, natural disasters and emergencies: kids.